Some parts of the Earth, near the equator, receive direct sunlight all year long and have a consistently warmer climate. [8] At airports, windsocks indicate wind direction, and can also be used to estimate wind speed by the angle of hang. [107] Loess is a homogeneous, typically nonstratified, porous, friable, slightly coherent, often calcareous, fine-grained, silty, pale yellow or buff, windblown (Aeolian) sediment. The pilot must anticipate the wind gradient and use a higher approach speed to compensate for it.[104]. [4] The ageostrophic wind component is the difference between actual and geostrophic wind, which is responsible for air "filling up" cyclones over time. [83] Protestant Wind is a name for the storm that deterred the Spanish Armada from an invasion of England in 1588 where the wind played a pivotal role,[84] or the favorable winds that enabled William of Orange to invade England in 1688. [105], During mid-summer (July in the northern hemisphere), the westward-moving trade winds south of the northward-moving subtropical ridge expand northwestward from the Caribbean into southeastern North America. [79], Kamikaze (神風) is a Japanese word, usually translated as divine wind, believed to be a gift from the gods. Together with the trade winds, the westerlies enabled a round-trip trade route for sailing ships crossing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as the westerlies lead to the development of strong ocean currents on the western sides of oceans in both hemispheres through the process of western intensification. When dust from the Sahara moving around the southern periphery of the ridge within the belt of trade winds moves over land, rainfall is suppressed and the sky changes from a blue to a white appearance, which leads to an increase in red sunsets. [68], Sound movement through the atmosphere is affected by wind shear, which can bend the wave front, causing sounds to be heard where they normally would not, or vice versa. Jagged terrain combines to produce unpredictable flow patterns and turbulence, such as rotors, which can be topped by lenticular clouds. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Essay. Today, wind energy is mainly used to generate electricity. Strong updrafts, downdrafts, and eddies develop as the air flows over hills and down valleys. Intensity Observation and Forecast Errors", "National Weather Service Instruction 10-1605", National Centers for Environmental Prediction, "African Dust Called A Major Factor Affecting Southeast U.S. Air Quality", "Chapter-II Monsoon-2004: Onset, Advancement and Circulation Features", "Climatology of the Interior Columbia River Basin", National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanographic Partnership Program, "The Physical Environment: Global scale circulation", "The Role of Mountains in the South Asian Monsoon Circulation", 10.1175/1520-0469(1975)032<1515:TROMIT>2.0.CO;2, "The influence of mesoscale orography on a coastal jet and rainband", 10.1175/1520-0493(1997)125<1465:TIOMOO>2.0.CO;2, "T-REX: Catching the Sierra's waves and rotors", "CHAPTER 8: Introduction to the Hydrosphere (e). We thought you might want to know more about how it works. Air naturally moves from high to low pressure, and when it does so, it is called wind. It’s a dynamic, complex mechanism, which is why weather forecasting is not quite a precise science. [167] The fastest wind on any known planet is on HD 80606 b located 190 light years away, where it blows at more than 11,000 mph or 5 km/s. Ask a science teacher: Why is snow white, and where does its color go when the snow melts? That’s why steam coming off a pot of boiling water always goes upward. As the warm air from the tropics rises, colder air moves in to take the place of the rising warmer air. The warmer land heats up the air above it, causing it to become less dense than the air above the water. An important constraint on wind dispersal is the need for abundant seed production to maximize the likelihood of a seed landing in a site suitable for germination. In coastal areas the sea breeze/land breeze cycle can define local winds; in areas that have variable terrain, mountain and valley breezes can dominate local winds.
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