( Log Out /  C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\bin\aster C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\lib\aster\Execution\E_SUPERV.py -commandes fort.1 –num_job=513 –mode=interactif –rep_outils=C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\outils –rep_mat=C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\share\aster\materiau –rep_dex=C:\sm-2019-w64-0.3\PRODUCTS\code_aster\14.4\share\aster\datg –numthreads=1 –suivi_batch –tpmax=60.0 –memjeveux=64.0 Hope a fix is coming soon! I downloaded the latest 2019 version on a laptop with Windows 10 and followed the steps. When a folder has “Read Only” box filled (blacked out), it does not mean the “read only” option is selected. All Rights Reserved, Installing Linux Ubuntu 16.04 on VirtualBox, How to Install Salome Meca 2017 on Ubuntu 16.04, How to Install Salome Meca 2017 on Windows, Simulating a 2D shell Beam in Salome-Meca, ​How to define a glued contact between parts, [Salome Automation 3 ] Automating Code Aster Simulation with YACS, [Salome Meca Tutorial] Heat Case Transient Thermal Simulation, [Salome Automation 2 ] Automating Geometry and Mesh Creation with YACS. Both message may happen for this issue, sorry if it does not work for you. Go to tab History View, then in the menubar select Operations -> Import Testcase. When i open the interface again (e.g. If you like it, let me know in the comments! Please note that this installer is not supported by our team at the moment. This short post is about a new packaging for Salome Meca for Windows installer, kindly provided by Kim Ravn-Jensen (thanks Kim!) Code_Aster run ended, diagnostic : _ABNORMAL_ABORT. This new module replaces EFICAS advantageously for data settings, offering a strong interaction with the mesh, as well as astk for the launching and follow-up of calculations. Searching for a free port for naming service: 2812 – OK This kind of issue is very much about Salome so you can consider to report this on Salome forum. I get the same behavior by importing a random testcase, even on Linux. Maximilien, AsterStudy Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This release marks the launch of the new interface for data settings and code_aster computations launching, AsterStudy. clt=orbmodule.client(args) File “C:\SALOME-9.5.0\W64\KERNEL\bin\salome\orbmodule.py”, line 56, in __init__ Anyways, launching the GUI doesn’t change much from the previous versions : double click on run_salome.bat. The HDF bug may affect mesh saving because MED, the mesh format file, is based on HDF. This repository provide the samples of Salome-Meca(Code-Aster). en fr. The industrialisation of models, the adaptation of achievements and the qualification take advantage of 23 years of development. dopo l’installazione di SM2018 inizio seguendo l’esempio “beginning with AsterStudy”, ma al momento di attivare il modulo AsterStudy e selezionando il pulsante “new” il sistema dice che il modulo non è presente. This new Results window is really intuitive and ease the management of post-processing comparing to advanced Paravis module. Salome is a CAE tool for pre and post processing of numerical analysis. There is a problem while saving any .hdf file. The run ends OK as usual with green, but unfortunately forma01 case uses only one increment and shows nothing in the graph. Unfortunately, i am having the same problem with saving files. Not sure is it useful to run it after closing salome. Does anyone have a guess on how to solve this? Output messages for stage forma01a, Output messages for stage forma01a – [top / bottom] A salome_meca and code_aster training session will be held in in China next november! Hello, please read paragraph above. il modulo è incluso, se non parte c’è qualche problema nell’installazione (vedi voce “AsterStudy module does not start “Failed to activate module AsterStudy”” in https://code-aster-windows.com/faq/). Salome is a CAE tool for pre and post processing of numerical analysis. The analysis of real behaviour and the risks associated with mechanical and civil engineering structures require knowledge over non linear models of mechanical and thermal phenomena. if count > maxcount : raise RuntimeError, “Impossible de trouver %s” % name It is then possible to use the buttons to define, for example, a primitive. 000000000749FC20 – Trace ..\..\..\..\GUI_SRC\src\Session\Session_ServerThread.cxx [205] : Caught unknown exception. This interface can also be used to open a standalone rmed file: from a scratch AsterStudy session, in the CaseView tab, select from the menubar Operations -> Post-process an external MED Results File. Hopefully we will see new versions also in the future, would it be possible to include also OpenTURNS? Good morning. I posted the same message to the formed page and found only later this page related to the 2019 version of CodeAster, therefore I repeat in unchanged here. Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle. Shaper is a CAD modeler which came as a replacement for former Gemeotry module. Ciao Amedeo, Launch Salome-Meca 2017.0.2: cd appli_V2017.0.2. Free download of Finite Element Analysis, Salome Meca, Code Aster by Syllignakis Stefanos, Petr Vosynek. | Protection des données personnelles EDF guarantees the technical and economical capabilities of its electricity production means, from the conception to the end of operational life. | Log in It is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. Hello Henrique, I got the same error as you, have you already solve it? Thank you. with following information: It is based on an open and flexible architecture made of reusable components. From the tab Case View, let’s define an output file. Hi Hems, Can you please advise what am I doing wrong? | Log in Site Map | For more videos, visit my blog feaforall.com I have near-zero experience in code_aster but as I was creating a model (very very simple model) I was successfully saving with different names v1, v2, v3, .. (to avoid changing the folder or file properties every time). kill_salome may be useful if there are zombie processes. Searching for a free port for naming service: 2823 – OK Once finished, the trick is to use from the menubar Feature -> Export to GEOM before to go to SMESH module. Thank you. “Permission” fix described above does not work. I updated the paragraph above with a workaround. Documentation code_aster version 15; code_aster version 14 It does not refer to the same issue. Congratulations on such an ambitious package for Windows! p = os.fspath(p). You could expect some issues such as difficulties when saving. Code_Aster and MPI parallelism on Windows, Beginning with AsterStudy and Salome-Meca on Windows, Beginning with Salome and Code_Aster for Windows, Code_Aster and MPI parallelism on Windows. This page lists the detail of the licences of the various products distributed on this site or related to Code_Aster and Salome-Meca. Structures and Thermomechanics Analysis for Studies and Research. But the solver pass the tests and has been validated as the previous builds using the official submit list. Code_Aster and MPI parallelism on Windows, Beginning with AsterStudy and Salome-Meca on Windows, Beginning with Salome and Code_Aster for Windows, Code_Aster and MPI parallelism on Windows. You can simply delete the file or untick read only attribute to make save possible again. First of all, Congratulations on this amazing work! – when I run “kill_salome.bat” the starting black window of salome remains open, to close it I need to push the X botton, is it really necessary to run “kill_salome.bat”? One should first create a part. Having problems on Win10 Pro and Win 10 Home machines. Salome-Meca is released once a year and last available version is 2017.0.2. clt = startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir) Looking for this file, it seems to be created, but with readonly flag set. One can notice a new combobox to select refresh mode and a new combobox coming with a graph that aim to show progress of the calculation. directory = osp.dirname(file_name), File “D:\ProgramData\sm2019\PRODUCTS\python-3.6.0\Lib\ntpath.py”, line 242, in dirname File “C:\SALOME-9.5.0\W64\KERNEL\bin\salome\orbmodule.py”, line 95, in initNS A number of numeric analysis can be done with the help of this tool.

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