Borderlands 3 has just been released on the PC and although it is using Unreal Engine 4, it does not take advantage of Ray Tracing. Borderlands 3 releases in a couple of weeks. Chamberlain would very much like to be playing Valhalla but the last patch broke fast travel and saving, so he is being visually overwhelmed (not in a good way) by Dirt 5 instead. Unsurprisingly, the cel-shaded style of Borderlands 3 isn’t making use of Nvidia’s real-time ray tracing RTX technology. Before we dig in, we need to make something clear. Ray tracing is the big buzz word of 2020 in PC gaming, and Nvidia have just announced another fresh batch of ray tracing and DLSS games, including a couple of old ones that will be getting support in future updates. First, the “real-time ray tracing” we mention in this article (and in our video) is not RTX technology, which is Nvidia’s official ray tracing tech. Borderlands 3 PC: six tweaks that boost frame-rate with no real hit to quality Best settings suggestions for the new Gearbox game. Borderlands 3 will NOT support PhysX or other Nvidia specific graphical "addons" such as Ray tracing [BL3] "Gearbox also said that the PC version has been developed with hardware manufacturer AMD. However, YouTube’s ‘Digital Dreams’ has shared a video, showing the game running with Pascal Gilcher’s Ray Tracing Reshade in 4K. The Games: Minecraft and Borderlands 3. The game we chose to play first, we chose with the sole purpose of trying out ray tracing: Minecraft. All the teraflops in the world can't fix Assassin's Creed bugs. Chance plays the …

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