Op-eds have a limit of 675 words, and submissions must be exclusive. Priority to local writers writing on local topics. List name, address, and telephone number. Op-eds: 500-700 words. Op-eds: Guest commentaries should be submitted to o.ricardo.pimentel@express-news.net for consideration. Muskegon - muletters@mlive.com. Many op-eds published in smaller, local outlets have had significant impact. Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity. All writers must provide full name, full home address and day and evening telephone numbers. The shorter the better. No unsigned letters, or letters with pseudonyms. We ask that everyone include a one-sentence author ID at the top or bottom of the submission. Op-eds: Must be exclusive. Sitemap After getting a great topical piece of content that is dripping with your opinion, assembling a collection of newspapers and websites you want to submit to, you’ll need to do the actual submitting. “Comments” are 750 words. Include name of author, and brief biography on both attachment AND email. Analysis from David Brooks, Maureen Dowd, Charles Blow, Paul Krugman and others. Letters: Email HeraldEd@MiamiHerald.com. Letters: 150 words. You must sign a freelance agreement. Preference given to local writers. Op-eds: 750 words for op-ed pieces. If so, another outlet might be a better fit. Submit here. Letters: 150 words or less. Letters: The letter should be sent only to the News Sentinel. Op-eds: Send emails without attachments to vop@thebeaconjournal.com. Include name, home address, day number, and email. 150 words. Op-eds: Emailed submissions preferred. The proper forum for such responses is our letter to the editor space. Submissions of 300-500 words have the best chance of being published. Letters are limited to 150 words. Your article must be of unusual interest to readers. E-mail to jsedit@journalsentinel.com. You must include name and phone number. Letters: Fill out their online form here. Get ready for a host of rejected submissions and a highly detailed account of your reasons for belief. Op-eds: Guest commentary should be 650 words or fewer. If you’re writing an Op-Ed on the U.S. election, the sky’s the limit on the types of publications that could pick up your writing. Email stareditor@starnews.com. Reach statewide contact Dan Hawkins, opinion curator, at dhawkins@mlive.com. Include web URL’s for stats, facts, and reports mentioned in your piece. Op-eds: 500-750 words. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. Letters: letters@tribune.com. Must include name, address, and day number. Op-eds: 600 words max. Email to Veda Morgan at vmorgan@courier-journal.com. They should get back to you. Email to jsedit@journalsentinel.com. Op-eds: The Austin American-Statesman encourages letters from readers. Topic must relate to an issue currently in the news and exclusive to the Chicago area. Submit here on this online form or email letters@staradvertiser.com. After that, paste the whole of your Op-Ed below, and send it off. Send to commentary@oregonian.com. Op-eds: If a submission is accepted for online publication, authors will be contacted within a week. Must include hometown. Some of these factors are in your control, others are not. OK, prove you mean it, Joe! Op-eds: 500-800 words in length. 49,410, This story has been shared 30,688 times. Each week, editors select 1-2 opinion pieces for the print issue based largely on relevance (e.g. Your own commentary should be 600-650 words. In August 1619, a pirate ship, the White Lion, stopped at Jamestown and traded twenty-some captive Africans for food. I think the four bullets above are all fairly clear, but wanted to note the credential aspect of your Op-Ed pitch. To pitch: Send draft (500 words or less is best) to opinions@chicagobusiness.com.
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