Phone : +92 21 3222 7221-22 This amount is called Nissab (threshold) and is equal to the value of 85 g of gold or 595 g of silver. "Khums" which is another kind of tax, is compulsory on six things: The obligation of "khums" is based on the command of Almighty Allah: “Know that whatever thing you may come by, a fifth of it is for Allah and the Apostle, for the relatives and the orphans, for the needy and the traveler (on the way person who does not have enough money), if you have faith in Allah and what We sent down to Our servant on the Day of Separation, the day when the two hosts met; and Allah has power over all things.”(8:41). The one who cannot afford basic needs. As for Zakat, it is payable on cattle, crops and silver, raisins and dates in accordance to the Islamic rulings. I have question about Zakat and Khums. I'm practicing to be a writer although I am also associated with digital marketing for the last two years. Its quantity is approximately 3 kilos of wheat, barley, or dates on behalf of every individual. Like Khums is calculated about 20%, here zakat is calculated only 2.5% of savings. Zakat: I understand zakat is wajib on gold and silver coins used as currency at time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family. London WC1R 4HQ. Precious stones obtained by diving in the sea. The khums which is paid about 20% of anything which is mentioned above has to be delivered to its real entitled. All these rules and regulations are mentioned in the Holy Quran. Copyright 2020 © Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. The scholars have interpreted the categories from the following verse as mentioned below. This lesson looks at Zakah and Khums. Khums (Shi’a Islam) Khums means ‘a fifth’ (or 20 per cent) in Arabic. Zoher. Religious education / Meaning and purpose, Religious education / Meaning and purpose / Belief in God, Religious education / Meaning and purpose / Secular philosophy, Religious education / Meaning and purpose / Spiritual and personal views, Religious education / World religions / Islam, AQA 9-1 Religious Studies Christian Beliefs Revision Lesson, AQA 9-1 Religious Studies GCSE Muslim Beliefs Revision Lesson, Edexcel Beliefs in Action B Christian 9-1 GCSE Teachings revision mat. Khums: I major known translation khums appears to be in context of war . If you want to know more in depth about Khums and other matters, I suggest you visit our library Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm or on Saturday from 11am to 3pm. Zakat and Khums (Charity) Fitrah. Zakat = That which purifies Khums = One-fifth Sadaqah = Charity Zakat is commonly thought of (among Sunnis) to be paying 2.5% of your income or wealth to charity for the sake of purification. Like Khums is calculated about 20%, here zakat is calculated only 2.5% of savings. Indeed, since the people in power did away with this "right" altogether the books of jurisprudence of the majority community are quite silent upon this topic and not surprisingly Imam Shafi'i has omitted to mention this topic in his books on "fiqh". Moreover, he adds: "if they have been deprived of the right of "khums" it does not mean that charity and other such things which are unlawful for them will become lawful." As for Mustahab Zakat, it includes everything. It is important to mention that zakat is not applicable to currency notes in shia school of thought while others practice it. “Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.” (9-60). The famous ayat about zakat was revealed when, 17th Rabi-ul-Awal – Wiladat of Prophet (P.B.U.H) and Imam Jafar -e- Sadiq (a.s). It supplements the OXFORD Press textbook for the new GCSE. Khums is an obligation for shi3a only. Zakat is discussed at many places in the Quran. I see 2 references in Quran for the word ghanimatum both in war context and chapter seems to speak about windfall. The nature of zakat is basically the same; whether from the point of Shi'a or Sunni fiqh. Is it there in khums verse where those who receive khums is mentioned ? The land which a non-musim buys from Muslim in Islamic territory. Among those entitled to receive zakat are the poor and the needy, according to Allah the Almighty's command in Surah at-Tawbah: “The charities are only for the poor and the needy”,…(9:60). Zakat. Home > Khums, An Islamic Tax Khums, An Islamic Tax Author(s): Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi [3] This text deals with the Islamic obligation of the payment of Khums, its basis in the Qur'an and tradition, its legal limits, and the modes of its distribution. It is interesting to note that all the rules are in basic conformity with those of the "fiqh" of the four Sunni schools of thought, Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki and Hanbali. As Salaam Alaykum Dear Sir, I have question about Zakat and Khums. To some like me who has no background of Arabic looking at english translation seems it is talking about some sudden huge wealth like in context of war. After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP), the Muslim rulers suppressed this right to "khums" of the Al-Hashim (the progeny of the Prophet) and instead collected the money into the baytu 'l-mal in order that they themselves could control its use. We may consider salat (Praying) and sawm (Fasting) as two acts of worship whose immediate basis is physical rather than spiritual. Zakat and khums are charitable worships. Tes Global Ltd is “Know that whatever of a thing you acquire, a fifth of it is for Allah, for the Messenger, for the near relative, and the orphans and the needy and they wayfarer ….. (Qur’an 8:41)”. (we must admit however that the learned scholar Hafiz Abu 'Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Salam (died 224 A.H.), in his great work "Kitab al-amwal", dealt with all the problems of "khums", including the ways in which it should be spent, in a special chapter. Zakat (taxation) is of an entirely different nature. Ziyarat packages to Iraq, Iran & Syria that are specially designed to make our customer’s spiritual trip convenient and memorable. charity. Money deposited in bank does not have obligatory zakat. I dont know anything about this. Moreover, we believe that "khums" is a right which Allah the Almighty particularly reserved for the descendants of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP). If your income exceeds the annual expenses of yourself and your family, Khums (20%) should be paid from the excess. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Was Salaam, Islam is the religion with the complete code of conducts to live with. land transferred to a "dhimmi" (a Christian or a Jew, living within the Muslim nation) from a Muslim. It seems really amusing to me in converting my thoughts into my words making it really helpful for self amelioration and my personal growth. It seems that Imam Shafi'i himself, in his book entitled "Al-Um", pointed out that the descendents of the Prophet (PBUH&HP), for whom "khums" was set aside in place of charity, can neither be given anything out of the prescribed charities, nor may they take it, and if the giver of charity knowingly gives it to them he will have to forego his heavenly reward. (You can unsubscribe anytime). Then he asked me about gold I received from him when we married. If the religious scholar doesn’t have any source of income than he can spend a portion of that amount for his ordinary livings. Square Treasure seems on of them. According to Surah Tobah Allah has defined 8 categories who can receive zakat. Zakat: I understand zakat is wajib on gold and silver coins used as currency at time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family.
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