They were formerly known as the Black-bellied Tree Duck; as this name suggests, they are quite fond of perching.
There are two subspecies, which intergrade in Panama: Prior to 1978, birds from western Panama north to the southern USA were erroneously referred to as D. a. autumnalis and birds from eastern Panama into South America were referred to as D. a. In places like Texas and Louisiana, watch for noisy flocks of these gaudy ducks dropping into fields to forage on seeds, or loafing on golf course ponds. A highly migratory family, most species migrate to open, ice-free water in sheltered bays and marshes of the southern United States with some reaching Mexico and Central America. Ducklings leap from nest cavities within two days of hatching, can feed themselves immediately, and stay with the parents for up to eight weeks. Recent spike from Leesburg to the Ocklawaha region with many nightly flights averaging 10 per flight. (Ringed turtle-dove), The Black-bellied Whistling-Duck is an unusual species among North American waterfowl. The front part of the head consisting of the bill, eyes, cheeks and chin. document.write("
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