In de jaren 1800 was "ketchup" het meest gebruikelijk in Groot-Brittannië en "catsup" was het meest gebruikelijk in de VS om onbekende redenen. Actually, ketchup is the original spelling (from the Chinese dialect "koechiap"), sometimes spelled "catchup", the difference in pronunciation between the two being very slight, a short "e" sound for the first and a short "a" sound for the second. They both have the same pronunciation so I think they are all saying ketchup. So, is there a difference between “ketchup” and “catsup”? You can stop trying to correct other people or ignore people telling you that you’re spelling it wrong: both ketchup and catsup are the exact same thing but have different, though acceptable, spellings. What's the difference between catsup and ketchup? Let's find out more in this Tastessence article. if theyr different, which is better? Who could […] Cuatro palabras extranjeras que el “mal español” ha destruido | The Boxcar says: April 11, 2013 at 9:22 pm Ketchup vs. Catsup has a storied battle, with commerce and government conspiring to declare a clear winner. What is Difference between Ketchup and Catsup? Some say ketchup, others spell it as catsup, while others may even call it “ketsup” or some other unfamiliar spelling. Ketchup definition is - a seasoned pureed condiment usually made from tomatoes. How to use ketchup in a sentence. In today’s world, ketchup and ketchup both refer to the spicy version of tomato sauce mixed with vinegar that is available around the world and is a popular accompaniment to snacks and fast food such as chips, hamburgers and pizzas. In older days perhaps people pronounced catsup as “cat-sup”, but at least as of the 1970s when I was growing up, that word would be also be pronounced “catch-up”. are ketchup and catsup the same thing? But there are those who use the more unusual spelling of c-a-t-s-u-p; one of the most prominent examples is on the giant label of the World's Largest Catsup Bottle in Collinsville, Ill.So why the difference? if so, do you say ketchup or catsup? Catsup Vs. Ketchup: You’ll Be Surprised to Know the Difference. In some places, the bright red tomato condiment is referred to as catsup, while in other places it's referred to as ketchup. Ketchup vs. Catsup. "Catsup", dat uit dezelfde tijd stamt, is misschien wel een andere romanisering van hetzelfde woord, in een poging dichter bij een geluid te komen dat in het Engels niet echt bestaat. Most of us in the South spell the nation's most popular condiment this way: k-e-t-c-h-u-p.
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